Destination Zero! (2021)

Laatst gecontroleerd op:
22 november 2023
Gepubliceerd op:
15 maart 2022

Dit project borduurt voort op een Europees innovatie programma (EMEurope) dat werd geleid door Sycada in 2018-2020. Dit project tracht de laatste kritieke delen van een grotere innovatiepuzzel af te ronden.



The transition to zero emission public transport is accelerating. In Western Europe there were more electric bus registrations in 2019 than in the entire period 2012-2018. In fact, their number tripled. This means that zero-emission transport is rapidly coming out of the ‘project’ phases and has entered a volume that requires bus operators to take a much closer look at the requirements for managing a 100% zero-emission fleet. Zero emission bus fleet operators, however, are confronted with increased operational 
volatility associated with more unpredictable energy usage of electric buses, the need to opportunity charge during operations, and dependency on drivers when it comes to facilitating charging cycles. New rules and tools for playing the operational game surrounding zeroemission public transport are required and failure to adopt these could make the transition very costly indeed. 


The objective of this R&D project was to significantly reduce both investments (Capex) and operational costs required to serve zero-emission concessions.


Amsterdam, Eindhoven

Naam deelnemer Organisatie Rol in project
bus Sycada Nederland Onderneming Software ontwikkelaar, verantwoordelijk voor finale software ontwikkelingen, testen/valideren van innovaties in de dagelijkse praktijk van buschauffeurs, analyse van resultaten en techno-economische evaluatie
TU Eindhoven (TU/e) Onderzoeksorganisatie Onderzoeker, het dynamiseren van het voorspellingsmodel en deze testen in de dagelijkse praktijk van buschauffeurs
GVB Organisatie Potentiële klant, valideren van kosten en verzorgen van feedback op de ontwikkelingen



We believe that adopting the tools developed and tested during the Destination Zero! project will reduce Capex requirements by at least 5% and Opex costs by 15-25%. Applying these numbers to the growth of city buses in Europe that will transition from fossil fuel to zeroemission over the next 5-10 years, the potential economic and societal impact is staggering.


We recommend extending the work done for public transport context to road transport in general, and especially to support the zero-emission transition in urban and regional transport. We hence invite transportation companies to reach out and test the available solution(s) and to evaluate with us what adaptations would be required to reduce Capex and Opex costs to 
reduce transition time, costs and risks.

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